- Beatdown: Moneypenny
- Beatdown Date: 02/06/2021
- QiC: Fullback
- Number of Pax: 9
- Pax Names: 6 Feet, Breezy (respect), Dewey, Mapquest, Miller (respect), Moose, Pandora, Peachtree
- Number of FNGs:
Today the plan was to go to a couple of my favorite Moneypenny workout l0cations.. My favorite (stairs) was quickly taken off the list due to ice and Pax size but it’ll come back next time. Also, the baseball field was a muddy mess so I compromised with that. Burpees were always part of the plan…No talking me out of it!!!
After my disclaimer, we did a bunch of warm up exercises: JJ, Butt Kickers, Arm Circles, Toy Soldiers and a few stretches to get the kinks out.
The Thang:
First on task was to get the Fia Challenge 125 squats out of the way. Jog over to the main drag in Bond Park.
Paula Abduls –
- Jog 2 lightposts forward
- 25 squats
- Jog backwards 1 lightpost – yes – backwards jogging
- 10 burpees
- Repeat x5 ( 125 squats and 50 burpees)
This landed us at our next location – Ropes course parking lot
Time to play baseball!
Run to first base do exercise then back home(rest). Run to first then second, back to first then home. Continue until we round all the bases! Changing variations of each exercise on every round.
1st base – 10 Pushups ( regular, scorpion, shoulder tap,spiderman)
2nd base – 20 Tricep dip ( regular, sparky crabs, dip with hip thrust)
3rd base – 30 Mountain Climbers (HC) ( regular and drunk)
Home – 40 Monkey Humpers
Jog back to Senior center parking lot changing movement every lightpost.
- Jog
- Side shuffle right
- side shuffle left
- Skip
- Karoke right
- Karoke left
- Hold squat as we wait for Pax then jog back to senior center.
Ended with Core work – 9 Exercises 30secs each – called out by each of the PAX
Stretched during Announcements/Prayers
- Prayers for Breezy’s mother and her family and Peachtree’s father who are all have Covid.
- Mapquest will be a Grandma in a few days. Her daughter is having a girl!!
- Miller’s daughter Madeline (ZZZpack?) just got engaged!
- Peachtree turns 50 next week… Be ready next Saturday for her Birthday Q!