Beethoven – Disclaimer Given.
Warm up: Good Mornings, Jumping Jacks, Butt Kicks, High Knees, arm circles (big and small), windmills and ran the pickle.
The Thang: Weights Tabata Style – 50 minutes work/15 seconds rest
Front Dumbbell Raises
Triceps Overhead Extensions
Dumbbell Squat and Press
Bent over Row
Step-ups – on the curb – Bicep Curls
Chest Press (on mat)
Standing Hammer Curls
Mountain Climbers (Part of Cardinal’s workout)
Run the Pickle
Triceps Extensions
Reverse Fly
Lateral Raises side
Front Raises
Plank Jacks
Shoulder Press (We will do Hallelujahs with weights for Cardinal)
Run the Pickle
Pull your pants up (seated/squat position with weights coming up at side)
Side curls (like bicep curls, but on the side of your body)
Upright Rows
Burpees (Part of Cardinal’s workout)
Twist weight in front of body (arms straight out)
Squat with Bicep curls
Chest Fly
Run the Pickle
Glute Bridges
Abs – Heels to Heaven & LBC’s (both are Part of Cardinal’s workout). PAX choice of one or both or alternating!
COT / Namorama