I had the workout all planned out but Saturday morning was full of tricks for our Pax.   First off , it was NOT suppose to be raining  but it was so it  took the baseball fields off the table.   Then due to early voting our normal meeting place was closed. So we met at the ropes course parking lot come to find out they were having a baseball camp so kids were meeting at the shelter to sign up  which took the shelter and the parking lot out. Next location, Kiwanis Shelter…NO… Another event there..  Finally , the shelter by the boat dock..    My brain was spinning to try and change up my workout. This is what I came up with. –

Warmed up for a bit as the Pax was trying to find our secret location and grab weights which were not originally on the supply list. I had brought all mine just in case. Then  by 8:10 we were all together to start our Thang.

8 Minute AMRAP

  1. 10 Burpees
  2. 10 HC lateral lunges
  3. 10 HC Mummy Kicks
  4. 10 Carolina Drydock

Tabata (20/10) x 8 –  Deadlifts

8 Minute AMRAP

  1. 10 Pushups
  2. 10 Squat Jacks
  3. 10 HC Mountain Climbers
  4. 10 HC Skaters

Tabata ( 20/10) x8 – Skull Crushers – Alternating Leg Lowers

Then we took a jog around the parking lot – 4 Corners

  1. 10 Dorothys
  2. 20 HC Knee Repeaters
  3. 30 Heismans
  4. 40 Hallelujahs with Plie Squat/ on toes

5 Minutes AMRAP

  1. 10 Mummy Situps
  2. 10 Mummy circles ( 5 each way)
  3. 10 HC Wicked Witch Bicycles
  4. 10 Reverse Crunches

Then it was time to name our FNG. Welcome Chihuly .    We promise the start of our workouts definitely run more smoother than today did.

Thanks for joining me everyone!