Warm Up: Good mornings, Toy Soldiers, Jumping Jacks in cadence, Run the pickle.

60 Second Intervals:

  • ABS
    Butterfly Crunches, Oblique V-ups Right, Reverse Crunch, Oblique V-ups Left, Leg Lift/Scissor combo
    Run Pickle
  • LEGS
    Abductor squat left, Abductor squat right, Plie Squats, Curb Squats or Calf Raises, Monkey Humpers
    Run Pickle
  • ARMS (with weights)
    Bicep X’s, Hammer Curls, Halos, Pushups, Shoulder Raises
    Run Pickle

AB Ladder to 12
Move the Water with Hallelujah rests
Stretch: Child’s Pose to Cobra, Butterfly stretch

COT: “Don’t be afraid to take the first step, because it could be the beginning of many great things.”