I played all Taylor Sit music in honor of her winning the super bowl……

Stole most of the workout ideas from Reebok 🙂

Warm-up – the Usual

The Thang #1 – we did 4 exercises.   45″ on and 15″ rest performed for 2 rounds. Medium weights

Round 1:

  1. Squat Thrust
  2. Lateral lunge with leg lift (R)
  3. Lateral lunge with leg lift (L)
  4. Bird Dog in hovering quadruped

In between we listened to “Bad Blood”.  We did skaters but every time se said “bad blood” we did 2 split jumps

Round 2:

  1. Dead lifts
  2. Bwd lunge with bicep curl
  3. Single arm snatch (alternating )
  4. Renegade rows

Thang #2 – Reverse ladder (10-8-6-4-2 reps)

  1. Bent over rows
  2. Reverse fly
  3. Froger
  4. Bicep curls

Thang#3 – Core = 30″ each

  1. LBC’s
  2. Side plank leg lift (L)
  3. Plank
  4. Side plank lift (R)
  5. Plank
  6. Bicycles

We didn’t have enough Pax to do the winter games relay race so we just took the chocolate to eat instead….