- Beatdown: Book Drop
- Beatdown Date: 02/13/2024
- QiC: Forrest
- Number of Pax: 3
- Pax Names: Forrest, Mary Lou, Zeppelin
- Number of FNGs:
I played all Taylor Sit music in honor of her winning the super bowl……
Stole most of the workout ideas from Reebok 🙂
Warm-up – the Usual
The Thang #1 – we did 4 exercises.  45″ on and 15″ rest performed for 2 rounds. Medium weights
Round 1:
- Squat Thrust
- Lateral lunge with leg lift (R)
- Lateral lunge with leg lift (L)
- Bird Dog in hovering quadruped
In between we listened to “Bad Blood”. We did skaters but every time se said “bad blood” we did 2 split jumps
Round 2:
- Dead lifts
- Bwd lunge with bicep curl
- Single arm snatch (alternating )
- Renegade rows
Thang #2 – Reverse ladder (10-8-6-4-2 reps)
- Bent over rows
- Reverse fly
- Froger
- Bicep curls
Thang#3 – Core = 30″ each
- LBC’s
- Side plank leg lift (L)
- Plank
- Side plank lift (R)
- Plank
- Bicycles
We didn’t have enough Pax to do the winter games relay race so we just took the chocolate to eat instead….