For our chilly Tuesday morning, we stayed in the parking deck for a Tabata workout.

Warm-Up – Jog up one level, Butt-Kickers & High-Knees on Return.  Stretches good mornings, hip openers and arm circles.

Set the Time for 20 seconds of activity and 10 seconds of rest.  Our first tabata was burpees, jumping jacks and bridges.  We went through 6 rounds.  At the completion we did a set of walking lunges up one level in the parking deck.  At the top, we started our second tabata of jump squats, butt-kickers and wall sit, again for 6 rounds.  We did a set of walking lunges back down to our starting point to get ready for the 3rd round.  Our 3rd round was push ups, dips and plank jacks.  This proved to be a bit too much of a burnout so we added in ab cirlces, american hammers and plank to alternate between arms and abs. We rounded out with name-o-rama.