It was so humid that we were all drenched by warm-up….

Warm-up – the usual

The Thang:

First we did a Timer.  Four exercises repeated twice.   30 seconds on and 10 sec rest

  1. Thread the Needle (switch sides each round)
  2. YW’s
  3. Mountain Climbers
  4. Bicycles

Second we did 5 x 5′.  Partnered up.  While the first partner ran the other stayed and did a exercise.   We switched when our partner returned.  We did each exercise for 5 minutes

  1. Lt Dan’s (1 squat : 4 lunges)
  2. Plank with X reach
  3. 1 squat jump : 4 skaters
  4. Love bugs (5 single leg tricep dips : 5 single leg push ups)
  5. 4 bridges : 1 bridge walk out

We ended with 3 minutes of abs for 50 sec on and 10 sec rest.   Then we were out of time!

  1. LBC’s
  2. American Hammers
  3. Table top heel taps