Today I led the group through my daily yoga routine I practice at home.

Disclaimer and welcomed traveling FiA – Fin – visiting from Hampton Roads region. Also, welcomed our FNG.

Start in seated position with hands resting on knees/legs.

10 neck rolls (with synchronized breathing) clockwise and then counter-clockwise.

Followed by shoulder rolls – 5 forward and 5 backward.

Moved into seated stretch to the left and right. With one arm out and supporting the body on the side, while the other arm reaches overhead in an arc. 5 breaths on each side.

Next, seated spinal twist as a warm-up. Breathe in while bringing arms straight overhead, then twist to the left, while breathing out and bringing arms down. Hold twist for about 4 count. Then, twist the other direction. Repeat for 5 breaths.

Moved into Puppy Pose. Hold for 5 breaths. Move around hips to get some warmup of the hip region.

Then onto all 4s. Lifted left arm straight out ahead and right leg straight back with heel extended and fingers pointed. Hold for 5 count. Switch and repeat on opposite side.

Moved into downward facing dog. Hold for 5 breaths, pedaling feet.

Walk to front of mat for forward fold. Hold for a few breaths. Then, rise up for a full breath with sweeping arms and return hands to heart in prayer position. Repeat into forward fold, half lift, then back into forward fold.

Move into first sun salutation – back into downward dog, then move forward to plank, slowly move down to mat and rise up in baby cobra. Hold for a few breaths to stretch the back.

Move back into downward dog. Then, lift right leg into the air. Hold for a breath then swing forward into a low lunge. Hold for 5 breaths.

Return to downward dog. Repeat sequence on left leg.

After 5 breaths, bring right leg up to meet left and meet in forward fold.

Rise up into Tree position – hold on each leg for 10 breaths.

Sun salutation sequence – this time with an up dog when down on mat.

First is the low lunge, then add a Warrior 1 – hold for 5 breaths.

After complete on both legs, return again to forward fold – sun salutations and then meet in downward facing dog.

Add to standing pose sequence: low lunge, warrior 1, warrior 2 – hold each pose for 5 breaths before switching legs and repeating on opposite leg.

Sun salutation sequence – again with up dog down on mat.

Add to standing pose sequence: low lunge, warrior 1, warrior 2, peaceful warrior – hold each pose for 5 breaths before switching legs and repeating on opposite leg.

From Forward fold, move into Warrior 3 (airplane) balancing pose and hold for 5 count.

Sun salutation sequence – again with up dog.

Add to standing pose sequence one last time: low lunge, warrior 1, warrior 2, peaceful warrior and triangle. hold each pose for 5 breaths before switching legs and repeating on opposite leg.

Meet in forward fold.

Move to seated position – held boat pose while we learned about the FNG. Named her Hacker and then moved into seated twists.

COT: a slogan I received on a postcard from a yoga studio where I practiced while I lived in Dusseldorf: “the best part about falling is even more room to rise”. And I shared with the girls that I found it quite magical I could practice yoga even while it was instructed in German (I was not fluent) because I had so much familiarity with the movements. It goes to show how much muscle memory the body has and how intuitive we can be even without a common language.

CafeFia after where we firmed up our concept for launching FiA:TiA (thinking in action).