We circled up for a quick warm up then explained the format and stations.  55 sec on, 20 sec rest/time to rotate and 6 stations.  After we completed around the stations we switched the card over for the next set of exercises.  We did 4 rounds total (2 sets of each exercise)

  1. Lateral walks – monster walks (both with bands)
  2. Step ups with weight – overhead hold with march
  3. Goblet squat – med ball slam
  4. lateral raise/front raise – reverse fly
  5. Skaters – jumping jacks
  6. RDLs with kickbacks – cosack squat with bicep curl

We circled up for our COT and name o rama.

“These days I’m careful not to color the word “small” in negative shades, as if it were something to run from or escape. I want to start small because I’m human and dependent, not in hopes that my small will grow into something bigger.

Let’s take back the honor of small donations, small care packages, and small movements toward fellow image-bearers because love isn’t measured in inches, grand gestures, or dollar amounts.

Let’s take back moments that are lovely even if they are imperfect, words that are powerful even if only one person hears them, company that is meaningful even when we don’t say any words at all.

Let’s take back our Tuesdays, the smallest day of the week. Because this is where we live and where our people live. Let’s release our obsession with building a life and trust in the life Christ is building within us, one small moment at a time.”
-Emily P Freeman, Simply Tuesday