- Beatdown: Three’s Company
- Beatdown Date: 05/11/2021
- QiC: Granola
- Number of Pax: 11
- Pax Names: Bagheera, Beethoven, Bluff, Bon Voyage, Breezy (respect), Bullet, Crisco (respect), Helium, Van Gogh (roar), Walkman
- Number of FNGs:
“Stepping” it up (repeat)
- Run to shopping center with stairs
- 10 Good Mornings, 10 Toy Soldiers, Forward Arm Circles, Back Arm Circles
The Thang: (break into pairs)
5x5min Rounds (1 min rest b/t rounds):
- Partner 1 will run to the stairs, down / up the stairs and back to their partner.
- Partner 2 will do the exercise until Partner 1 returns
- Switch and complete for 5 min.
Round 1: Push-Ups (any style) / Hallelujahs
Round 2: Squats (any style)
Round 3 Burpees / Surfer Get Ups
Round 4: Single Leg Dead Lift
Round 5: Tricep Dips / Calf Raise
Run back for Name-O-Rama
Thanks for joining me! Have a wonderful rest of your week!