Super cold and windy but showed up!  This workout is a recycled pick by Bluff in 2022.  It is designed to have stations but we circled up with choice of medicine ball, kettlebell or weights in the middle.  We ran out of time for the Final Burn.


Warm up – 2 swift walks around the pickle to keep warm.

Break into groups of 2 for station work – 4 exercises @ 1 minute each

STATION 1: Medicine Ball

  • Burpee Squat Thrust
  • Big Girl Sit-up with Medicine ball pass (hands to ankles)
  • Halo Squats
  • American Hammers

STATION 2: Glutes

  • Curtsey Lunges with side kick (right)
  • Curtsey Lunges with side kick (left)
  • Glute Bridge marches (keep that booty UP)
  • Calf raises

STATION 3: Weights

  • Bicep curls
  • Upright rows
  • Side-lunge squat with weight (right)
  • Side-lunch squat with weight (left)


  • LBCs
  • Circle crunches right
  • Circle crunches left
  • Plank


  • Push the water: FORWARD | BACKWARD | UP | DOWN
  • Whew!


  • 25 Deadbugs (HC)
  • 20 Supermans
  • 15 Bird Dog crunches
  • 10 Pushups
  • 5 Squats

COT: in the meantime: “In the meantime” means during the time between two events, or while something else is happening  Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.