Warm Up – we used the track as a 4 corner warm up stopping at each corner as we passed to do 10 of the exercise both on the way there and the way back. 1st corner (parking lot) – toy soldiers. 2nd corner (bottom of skateboard park hill) – windmills. 3rd corner (top of skateboard park hill) – overhead claps. 4th corner (top of steps) – torso twists. 

The Thang – used the same format as the warm up to travel through the parking lot stopping at each of 4 different cones doing 10 of the exercise each time we passed that cone on the way there and the way back. 1st round – jumping jacks, 2nd round – jump squats, lunge with high knee (HC), monkey jumpers, calf raises. 3rd round – push ups, plank jacks, tricep dips, move water up/down/front/back. 4th round – BGSU, mountain climbers, inchworms, imperial squat walker. 

We didn’t have time for round 4, so we did 10 LBCs, 10 each side ab crunches touching opposite elbow to straight leg, and 10 ab punches with straight legs. 

COT – Strength is built in the moments you think you can’t go on but keep going anyway.

*We completed a black diamond and even saw Space X at the beginning!