- Beatdown: On the Fence
- Beatdown Date: 07/18/2023
- QiC: Tiny Boots
- Number of Pax: 6
- Pax Names: Bookworm (respect), Breezy (respect), Fantasy, Hootie (respect), Tag-A-Long, Tiny Boots (respect)
- Number of FNGs:
Disclaimer & Warm Up: Good mornings, shuffle R Toy Soldiers 4 count, Shuffle L Windmills 4 count, Arm circles/phelps
While a song is playing, do 10 reps of an exercise, run to the end of the parking lot, do 10 reps, run back. Rinse and repeat until the song is over. Q had warned everyone to be ready to sweat and boy did we.
- Push Up (Push It)
- Squat Jump (Jump Around)
- Punches (Fighter)
- Jumping Jacks (Party Rock)
- Monkey Humpers (Burning Love)
- Burpees (Kickstart My Heart) – 5 on each end
- Mt. Climbers (Aint No Mountain High Enough)
~We stopped here for time!~ - Sparky Crabs (Sparks Fly)
- Star Jumps (All Star)
- Hillbillies (Hillbilly Bone)
- Carolina Dry Docks (Sweet Caroline)
Abs/ Glutes: Alternate 5 of each for duration of song:
Heads Carolina, Tails California Abs: Bear hold Taps Glutes:fire hydrants
Water Under the Bridge Abs: lbc’s Glutes:glute bridges
COT: In the gym, the weight doesn’t get easier to lift, you get stronger. In life, circumstances don’t get easier to handle, you become better equipped to handle them. Keep going.