Today we travelled with Santa around the world leaving toys for all the good little boys and girls..!!! The weather started out appropriate for our beat down.. Sleet , hail and howling winds…. So we stared our workout in the tunnel.

North Pole –  Warmed up  with Seal Jacks, Toy Soldiers , and other dynamic stretches

For the first 3 circuits 45 sec work/15 rest. 2x.   Then run up hill and back.. Or up the stairs and back down hill


  • Australian Snow Angels
  • Australian Pull ups


  • Russian Twist
  • 4 HC Mountain Climbers /1 Pushup  ( Mt Everest)


  • Turkish Get Ups
  • Romanian Deadlifts
  • Bulgarian Squat

Africa / South America

  •  Broke up in 3 groups of 3 – One  group at a time did a Camel Walk ( Eqypt) through the tunnel and back  while the rest of the Pax did Rosalitas.

North America (left the tunnel and ran around park)

  • Route 66 with Carolina Dry Docks.    Here we started with 1 Carolina Dry Dock then run to next location and do 2 Carolina Dry Docks. Keep this up until we did 11 of them.   Sum total of Carolina Dry Docks is 55.

Ended with another 45/15 circuit in North America. ( 2nd exercise was going to be Hello Dollys( Tennessee) but as the wind was blowing all our mats around  SUP said ,” it feels like we are in Kansas….”  Great idea SUP –  Dorothys it is!!!!)

  • Hillbillies
  • 1 Dorothy / 2 Squats

COT: “Christmas is the spirit of giving without a thought of getting. It is happiness because we see joy in people. It is forgetting self and finding time for others. It’s discarding the meaningless and stressing the true values.” – Thomas S. Monson

Merry Christmas my FiA Family.  Thanks for joining me today.