*included in Pax: Sandman, Bluff

Warm Up: Good Mornings 10 OYO Toy soldiers 10, other stretching for tight hamstrings,  Arm/shoulder warm up

The Thang:

Highway 66 Pushups – stop at light posts, complete 1 push up, next light post 2 push ups, continuing up to 11

Reverse Highway 66 Squats 


Count off into 2 teams Team 1 complete 25 reps, Team 2 complete 25 reps & then swap; Hold squat or plank until both teams are done

Mountain Climbers – Sumo Squat

Jump Squats – Dips

Bobby Hurley’s – Blast off Push Ups

Plank Jacks – Monkey Humpers

Star Jumps – Shoulder Taps HC

“This is the equivalent of running hills, but for arms” Various arm circles, hallelujahs, etc. Several 1 min rounds

Abs: Pax choice 1 min each, 5 rounds

Just enough time for stretching and Name O Rama

Thought for the day: “Feed the positive…We all have two dogs inside of us. One dog is positive, happy, optimistic, and hopeful. The other dog is negative, mad, sad, pessimistic, and fearful. These two dogs often fight inside us, but guess who wins the fight? The one you feed the most.” ~ Jon Gordon