- Beatdown: Nightcrawler
- Beatdown Date: 02/15/2021
- QiC: Walkman
- Number of Pax: 11
- Pax Names: Bluff, Dewey, Doodle, Fullback (respect), Mapquest, Miller (respect), Moose, Pandora, Tuck, Walkman, Wanted
- Number of FNGs:
Gave Disclaimer
Warm Up- Good mornings, Toy Soldiers, Leg stretches & Jumping Jacks
Completed 20 Pushups for the weekly challenge
The Thang: Roll the dice
- First roll for the exercise
- Second roll for the number to complete of that exercise (multiply)
1= Decline pushups
2= Tricep dips
3= Step-ups (hc)
4= Full sit ups
5= Lunges (hc)
6= Jump Squats
If doubles were rolled (1 &1, 2 &2, etc.) complete the exercise then run the pickle
If lucky seven was rolled (1&6, 2&5, etc.) complete the exercise & 7 burpees
Finished with 50 Russian twists, 50 LBCs, & 1-minute plank (30second high plank & 30second low plank)
Thanks for joining me ladies!