Relay 1-2-3

Disclaimer for workout and COVID.

What happened to spring? Folks were in pants, ear warmers, base layers and toboggans again this morning! 🥶 so we got right to the warm up.

Warm up: lunge walk with a twist, monster walks, high knees and butt kickers around the pickle, x2

The Thang:

We gathered in front of the shelter and broke into two teams of 5 for relays!

Relay 1: bear crawl for 30 steps, 10 squat jacks, bear crawl back for another 10 squat jacks. Next person goes. Teammates waiting in line rotate through wall sit, jumping jacks, imperial walkers and cheerleader! Winning team did 20 dry docks, losing tram did 20 push-ups.

Relay 2: go through two times. Plank then reverse plank. Each team lines up shoulder to shoulder with enough space between them for one person to jump over their feet. LA freeway down to the end while everyone holds plank. If you drop down you have to start over. At the end everyone rolls over and hold reverse plank while you LA Freeway back to start again jumping over feet.

Relay 3: run through 3x! Sprints—sprint to the end of the long parking lot and do 5 burpees, sprint back and do 10 jump lunges (easy count). Meanwhile teammates are rotating through dips, calf raises, hallelujahs and cheerleading! This was a close one and we were all winded so no penalty exercises!

For the last 5 minutes we partnered up for 30 secs each of partner push-ups with hand claps, high 5 sit ups and high five squat jumps. We made it through this twice.

That brought us to the end where we did name-a-Rama and took a quick pic. I encouraged the ladies that they are stronger and faster than they think they are.

Thanks for letting me workout with y’all.

Mary Lou