- Beatdown: Book Drop
- Beatdown Date: 01/02/2024
- QiC: Deuce
- Number of Pax: 8
- Pax Names: Benedict, Deuce, Frito, Mary Lou, Native, Ragu, Tik-Tok, Zeppelin
- Number of FNGs:
Thanks to this month’s challenge to recycle a workout, I recycled a great Forrest workout from a little over a year ago.
Warm-up at the old library site with lots of movement on this chilly morning!
Then we moseyed down Academy St to in front of the art center.
The Thang = 2 rounds of four corners in 7’s format
Pack was split into four groups. Each group did two exercises at a station in 7’s format. Then ran the steps of the art center & side-shuffled down the ramp to get to the next station.
Round 1:
Corner 1 = Step ups (EC) and Triceps Dips
Corner 2 = Monkey Humpers/ push ups
Corner 3 = Heels to Heaven / BGSU
Corner 4 = Peter Parkers (HC) / Skaters (HC)
Between rounds, we ran down Academy St & back to enjoy the Christmas lights one more time before they’re gone!
Round 2:
Corner 1 = Shoulder taps (HC) / Chair squat
Corner 2= Hallelujahs / Split Squat (HC)
Corner 3= Bridge / Bicycles (HC)
Corner 4 = Smurf Jacks / Carolina Dry Docks
A quick mosey back to the old library site & we circled up for a quick ring of fire(works) to welcome in the new year. Pax held a squat while we took turns doing 2 star jumps around the ring. Then, COT & name-o-rama! Thanks for joining me this morning! (And thanks to Forrest for the workout plan!)