With lots of PAX and Double D Regulars at the Fia retreat, it was a small crew for this rainy friday! We did the usual things I do to warm up and then started with our thang. The format was 20 reps of exercise 1, run the stairs, 20 reps of 1 and 2, stairs, 20 reps of 1,2 and 3…you get the jist. Once we hit four exercises, we went back down the pyramid, first drop 1 and then 2 and so on. We were able to do one round of legs before the rain forced us under the shelter and so we ran a small pickle instead of the stairs for the arms round.

Legs: Curtsy Lunges (SC), Monkey Humpers, Blast Off Pushups, Donkey Kicks

Arms: Push-Ups, Tricep Dips, Hallelujahs, Small Arm Circles.

We had plenty of time after to do some 1 minute rounds of abs: Imperial Walkers, Standing lateral twist, Slow march with arms over head, In and Outs and American Hammers.