Disclaimer/Warm Up: 

Circle up – good mornings 10 oyo; shuffle R 1-2-3-4 then 4 easy count toy soldiers; repeat 4x; shuffle L 1-2-3-4 then 4 easy count windmills; repeat 4x; arm circles forward/backward, phelps, JJ 10 IC


The Thang:

To stairs for a set of 7’s Hillbillies HC and Imperial Walkers HC


We moseyed to the basketball court for a shady spot to start a timed pyramid – similar to a pyramid, except instead of counting reps, the timer takes care of it. We set a timer and started with 5 exercises. After those 5, the timer was set for more time, but you drop an exercise from the list. Worked from 40 seconds to 60 seconds. Once we made it to the “top” of the pyramid, we worked our way back down – less time each round but adding an exercise back to the mix.

40 seconds – merkins, curl to overhead press, burpees, front raise, jump squats

45 seconds – merkins, curl to overhead press, burpees, front raise

50 seconds – merkins, curl to overhead press, burpees

55 seconds – merkins, curl to overhead press

60 seconds – merkins


60 seconds – plank jacks

55 seconds – weighted squat, plank jacks

50 seconds – dumbbell uppercuts, weighted squat, plank jacks

45 seconds – sparky crab, dumbbell uppercuts, weighted squat, plank jacks

40 seconds – dips, sparky crabs, dumbbell uppercuts,weighted squat, plank jacks

Plank jacks are normally not too hard, but because of all the push-ups in the first round we struggled with the plank jacks in the second round! Shaky arms to say the least. We were glad to do some squats to give our shoulders a break!

ABS: 1:00 of each Ankle Biters, Heels to Heaven 


COT: Struggling with whether or not you made the right decision? Let yourself off the hook. God isn’t behind some doors and not others. Sometimes the right decision is the one you’ve made, just because you made it. In any case, God is present where you are and in God there are no dead ends. ~Jonathan Martin 


Name O Rama