Disclaimer:  Hi, I’m Slipstitch.  I’m not a professional.  You are here at your own risk.  Modify as needed.  Do what you can.  It’s your workout.

Needed:  Mat, band, medium weights, water

Warmup – Arm circles (forward & backward) big, Arm circles little (forward & backward), High Knees, Butt Kicks,  Walk the pickle

Tabata:  45 secs work, 15 sec rest


  1. Squat Wide Leg band above knee
  2. Side Leg Lift, Left leg Down on mat, band above ankle 
  3. Side Leg Lift Right leg
  4. Glute Bridge, Band above knee
  5. Clam Shells Left Leg
  6. Clam Shells Right Leg


  1. Bicep Curls
  2. Tricep Kickbacks
  3. Upright Rows
  4. Goal Post Press
  5. Alternating Lateral Raises L
  6. Hammer Curls

Walk around the pickle

Repeat starting at the top


  1. LBC’s
  2. Reverse Crunch
  3. Ankle Biters
  4. Scissor Kicks
  5. Dead Bug

Walk around the pickle

Thanks for joining me.