Disclaimer & Warm Up

30 sec of each: Good mornings, Toy Soldiers, Windmills, Arm Circles Forward, Arm Circles Backward, Jumping Jacks IC 

The Thang:

FiA Olympic Event Challenge:

5 minutes of  BGSU’s – Partner 1 holds feet and counts while Partner 2 completes reps for 5 minutes; swap

Congratulations to Bon Voyage on completing 140 reps!! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

Tortoise and the Hare BOMBS

Partner 1 starts walking/rucking while Partner 2 does reps while stationary. Once those reps are complete, Partner 2 runs to catch Partner 1. Partner 1 then does their reps stationary while Partner 2 walks or rucks. Continue to flip flop complete the total reps for each letter before moving to the next letter. Pax endured multiple rounds until time ran out. 

B – Burpees – 5 reps 

O – Overhead Press – 10 reps 

M – Merkins – 15 reps 

B – Bear Hold Taps – 20 reps 

S – Squats – 25 reps 

(Shout out to Fia Lake Wylie for the idea!)

COT: 7 reminders to help you love others 

Name O Rama