Beethoven gave the disclaimer! We warmed up with Walkman! 🙂

Workout with bands/Tabata style with 45 seconds of work/15 seconds of rest:


Squats with band above the knee

Side Crab Walk with band around the ankle x2

Forward Crab Walk with band around ankle

Scissor toe tap with band around the ankle (each leg)

Jumping jacks with band around the thighs and punch outs.

Donkey kicks – standing with band around the knee/right above it (each leg)

Jumping wide tap with band around the ankle

Mountain climbers with band around the knees

Glute Bridge with band around the thighs

Squat pulses

Lying leg extensions on stomach with band around the knees (each leg)

Lying leg abduction on the knees with band around the knees (up and down) (each leg)

Lying leg abduction on the knees with band around the knees (sides – out and back in) (each leg)

Fire Hydrant with band around/above the knee (each leg)

Inch worms out to plank jack and back up.

Lying down leg abduction on each side with band around the knees (each leg)

Single lying leg abduction with legs in the air and band around the knee (each leg)

Lying leg abduction with feet in the air /dropping one leg (each leg)

Standing leg kick backs with band around the ankle (each leg)


Front raises with band around the top of your hand and pulling up (holding the band down with the other hand) (each arm)

Single arm pull downs (holding band above head and pulling down one side) (each arm)

Pull-aparts (holding band over head and pulling down/tension and then back up)

Resisted External Rotations (holding band in front of body and pulling one arm out at a time) (each arm)

Rear shoulder squeeze (holding the band in front of your body and pulling your arms out as far as they will go with the resistance)

Lat Pulldown (holding band above your head and pulling down behind your head)

Tricep Pulldown (each arm)

Chest press

Abs: LBC’s, ankle biters and leg lifts

