- Beatdown: Moneypenny
- Beatdown Date: 04/06/2024
- QiC: Fullback
- Number of Pax: 7
- Pax Names: Fullback (respect), Jingle (respect), Mapquest (respect), Miller (respect), Nitrous, Teatree (respect)
- Number of FNGs:
Our visitor from Hampton Roads – Rogue- joined us again this Saturday morning. So we showed her some of what the park has to offer us FiA ladies.
We started out with a bunch of stretches and warm up cardio in the parking lot.. Then we were on the move. Down the trail to the main road of the park.
Paula Abduls – Jog forward 2 light posts and do 5 Jump squats – then NUR back 1 light post and do 5 pushups. Continue this pattern until we get to the greenway path that leads us to the kiosk. Once done, run down the hill to the kiosk to await further instructions. However sadly our friend TeaTree fell doing this and ended up breaking her wrist. After a delay, we got back to the workout. Thank you Jingle for getting TeaTree back to her car.
Ok – Now back to the Kiosk. Around the kiosk there are letters on the ground. We each stood on a letter and chose an exercise that started with that letter.
- Imperial (W)alker
- (E)levated heel Squats
- (T)uck Jumps
- (O)bique side Crunches
- (S)uperwomens
We built a pyramid with these exercises. ( rep count 5 for all). We did exercise 1, then 1,2 then 1,2,3 etc.
From the bottom of the hill, we then did a triple nickel. On bottom of hill, 5 steps up left then 5 right. On top of Hill, 5 tricep dips. Choice of running up the greenway and down the trail.. or to stay on greenway.
Once that was done, we moseyed back to the parking lot to grab our mats so we could do my new favorite ab circuit. Forewarning, not sure if any of these exercises will make sense in the written form.. But I will do my best. 45work./15 rest
- 2 Single leg V-ups, 2 elbow to knees
- Plank with arm reach tap forwards R/L then 2 Knee taps R/L
- Ball roll then hold – for added bonus straighten then bend both legs when in hold
- Mountain climber R/L then R legs sweeps diagonal to left elbow then right elbow. then L/R Mountain climber with L sweep
- Dead Bug
- Diagonal flutter kicks (2) – change sides after each flutter – Definitely need to see this one in action
- Plank to bear to Plank – tap foot right / tap foot left
- Similar to number 3 but when you roll one leg is straight and the other bent. When you hold at top, you switch the straight leg.
- Side plank thread the needle left. Make sure whole forearm is on the ground on the thread ( Hand to elbow)
- Repeat 9 on right side
- Ball to Hollow Hold. When in hold, cross your straight arms in front of you and back.. Then back to ball.
Ended with Prayers for TeaTree, Name-o-rama … and remember we don’t have to workout ,we GET to workout.