Started with the disclaimed & circled up.
Warm up – (in cadence) – windmills, arms up over each side with toe touch out to side, arms cross across body, jumping jacks – we repeated this twice with a count of 8
Pax partner up and play rock paper scissors – winner does 3 jump squats, loser does 3 burpees – we did a few rounds of this

Memory/Match game – Pax become partner with person next to them.  Each pair takes a turn to flip over 2 cards.  If cards are different, those pax lead the group in counting and all perform the exercises on those cards.  If cards match, pax choose – group can do a lap around the pickle or 25 reps of cardio of choice.

Cards (everything is hard count) –
10 reverse lunges
25 jumping jacks
10 burpees
25 hallelujahs
20 tricep dips
15 squat jumps
Bear crawl around the circle back to your initial spot
20 sumo squats
10 push ups
15 mountain climbers
10 oil rigs/single leg deadlifts
Skip around the circle back to your initial spot
10 side lunges
25 jab punches
20 monkey humpers
5 inchworm walkouts
25 calf raises
25 skaters
15 skiers
15 hillbillies
15 imperial walkers
5 curtsy lunge + side leg lift
20 plank jacks
15 shoulder taps
We played many rounds and got some matches!  It definitely kept us entertained and moving for a bit.  At 6:05, we switched card decks to play again with cards for core.  When a match is made, partners can choose what move we will hold for 30 seconds (plank, boat pose, etc)
Abs cards –
20 LBCs
15 full sit ups
20 ankle biters
20 glute bridges
20 bicycle crunches
10 side plank hip dips
15 drunk mountain climbers
10 single-leg V ups
COT – Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change.
Thanks for joining me & playing along!