Warm Up

The Thang:

3 cones set up down the field

One group does the line drills, while the other group stays to do exercises until Group 1 is done

@ the start line:  10 Jumping Jacks

Run to 1st cone–>  10 Burpees (let’s get it done)

Run back to start to do 10 Jumping Jacks

Run to 2nd cone–>  20 Mountain Climbers

Run back to start to do 10 Jumping Jacks

Run to 3rd cone-> 30 Ski Jumps

Run back to start.

Group 2 is doing Shoulder Taps while this is going on.  Then the groups switch.

Keep the line drills the same, while we change to exercise the Stationary Group is doing.  That next round, stationary group will do Big Girl Sit Ups

Change to

10 squats to start

Side shuffle to 1st cone–> 10 Froggers

Run back to start to do 10 squats

Side shuffle to 2nd cone–> 10 Donkey Kicks

Run back to start to do 10 squats

Side shuffle to 3rd cone–>  10 Touchdowns

Run back to start.  REPEAT


5 minutes of pain (EMOM for 5 mins)

12 burpees


Name o Rama