Disclaimer & Warm Up

Thunderstruck – burpee every time they say Thunder or thunderstruck w/ cardio move the rest of the song

Doras: Partners complete 10 reps then swap, continue until 100 cumulative reps are complete

100 Step Ups HC  + Wall Sit     100 Push ups  + Hallelujahs    100 American Hammers HC + Dead Bugs

Walk the Pickle w/ weights

100 Dead Lifts + Calf raises  60 Palms up/elbows to side, out/in + bicep curls  100 LBC’s + ankle biters

(We didn’t have time for the 3rd Dora) Next time! 🙂 

100 Blast off’s + Monkey Humpers   100 Punches + upper cuts   100 Oblique bends HC + wood chops



Glute work: Jerichos Wall:
7 exercises, 7 reps, 7 rounds -we made it thru 3 rounds before time

  1. Glute Bridge
  2. Narwhal R
  3. Narwhal L
  4. Rainbow R
  5. Rainbow L
  6. Donkey Kick R
  7. Donkey Kick L


COT: “I will never have this version of me again. Slow down, and be with her.” 

Name O Rama