Jeopardy Board

Warms ups-Good mornings, butt kicks and each Pax got to pick from the Jeopardy board


10 push ups
15 tricep extensions
21 guns
40 sec  overhead press
40 sec  Renegade rows
30 calf raises
15 squats
20 alternating lunges
Hold Squat pulses for 40 sec
Surrenders 40 sec on knees and stand up
Body saw 40 sec plank front and back
plank 40 sec
Russian twists 40 sec
Big girl sit ups – 20
Scissor kicks -40 sec
Dead lifts 20
Chest flies 20
Superman 40 sec
Bent over rows #20
Upright rows #20
High knees 40 sec
1 Pickle walk/run
15 Burpees
Jumping jacks 40 sec
2 Pickle walk/run
We did a cool down with a walk around the pickle and some stretches.  A great full body workout!  We ended with a Sweaty Smiles!