- Beatdown: Hunter Games
- Beatdown Date: 11/10/2022
- QiC: Crisco
- Number of Pax: 18
- Pax Names: 6 Feet, Bluff, Breezy (respect), Daisy, Fixer Upper, Forrest, Frito, Helium, Hootie (respect), Lub Dub, Mary Lou, Phelps, Reebok, Tag-A-Long, Tik-Tok, Wilson, Zeppelin
- Number of FNGs:
Warm Up: Circle up for Good Mornings, inchworm w/ runners stretch, arm circles, JJ IC
The Thang: It all evens out! We did this workout a year ago, and there seemed to be some confusion – so Q thought it’d be a good time to redo!
Pax counted off (18!) and Q gave a short explanation of the Thang. We moseyed to end of Ambergate – Whole Pax start the first exercise. Pax #1 completes the reps (10 Squats), runs to next light pole and continues said exercise, while Pax #2 completes their 10 reps, runs to the 2nd light pole. Continue until all Pax arrive at 2nd light pole.
Depending on your number, you’re doing alot of reps on the front end or alot of reps on the back end. Therefore – it all evens out!
Q was hoping to do 11 poles for 11/10. Unfortunately we only had time to complete 6, but they were doozies, especially those push ups!
- Squats 10
- Push ups 10
- Burpees 5
- Dips 10
- Monkey Humpers 10
- Blast off Push ups 10
Divide into 2 groups complete LA freeway back to parking lot for ABS
1 minute plank
45 seconds LBCs
30 seconds Heels to Heaven
15 seconds Bear Hold
30 seconds Heels to Heaven
45 seconds LBC’s
1 minute plank
Saved the Glute Time Bomb for another day!
COT: Hunter Games is officially 5 years old this month! Hunter Games was the AO where I attended my first FIA workout over 4 years ago. I can remember like it was yesterday how nervous I was to show up. And, I showed up anyway. Just like you ladies. You show up. You are here week in and week out – leading, encouraging, growing – doing the hard things. I’m so proud of us and honored to be a part of this region. Happy birthday Hunter Games!