Dynamic Warm-up and Then run the Pickle

The Thang: Interval Timer of 1 min, 45 sec, 30 sec, 15 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec, 1 min.  Weights per choice


Goblet squat, Step Up (L), Squat with side leg kick (L), Split jumps, Squat with side leg kick (R), Step up (R), Goblet squat

Round 2:

Bent over triceps, Plank drag, Push ups, Burpees, Push ups, Plank drags, Bent over triceps

Round 3:

Side lunge (R), Split Squat (R), single calf raise (L), squat jump, Single Calf raise (R), split squat (L), Side lunge (L)

Round 4:

Plank, side plank with twist (R), ankle biters, flutter kicks, ankle biters, side plank with twist (L), plank

Round 5:

Narwahl (L), Clam in side plank (L), Donkey kick (L), Donkey kicks, Donkey kick (R), clam in side plank (R), Narwahl (R)

Abs to end (45 seconds each):

American Hammer, Heels to heaven, BGSU