- Beatdown: Hunter Games
- Beatdown Date: 12/15/2022
- QiC: Mary Lou
- Number of Pax: 8
- Pax Names: 6 Feet, Bluff, Forrest, Helium, Mary Lou, Tiny Boots (respect), Zia, Zeppelin
- Number of FNGs:
It was a chilly, soggy morning at Hunter Games, but that didn’t stop 8 FiAs from getting out in the gloom for what I hope was a worthwhile effort!
Warm up 2 rounds 30 seconds each exercise:
Jog in place, JJs, heismans, 1-2-3 heismans, butt kicks, high knees and mummy kicks.
Thang 1: cardio endurance. We performed 8 cardio exercises for one minute each with no break between exercises. Lots of sweating and panting and realizing we don’t do long enough high intensity cardio at most workouts. You’d just have to be there to know all the details!
Thang 2: weighted AMRAPs 4 minutes each
Set 1: bench rows with keg extended (6 each side), weighted standing American hammers (8 EC)
Set 2: bridge hold with a bench press (10 EC), elevated burpees (8)
Set 3: curls (8), hammer curls (8) we shortened this set to 3 min 🥵
And lastly we did weighted split squats (30 sec) into split squat hold (20) seconds each side. And then an offside weighted step up (30 sec) to a staggered dead lift (30 sec) each side.
At this point I glanced at my watch and realized it was 6:15! I had completely lost track of time. So we hastily finished with a name a Rama and quick snapshot! My apologies once again for the rushed finish! Thanks for joining me this morning.
Mary Lou