It was a small group – just Zeppelin & I – on this rainy morning in downtown Cary – but that didn’t stop us from getting a good workout!

Started with disclaimer and then a typical warm up of good mornings, leg swings, cherry pickers, inchworms, etc.

The workout format was 5 minute blocks of work, with 20 second breaks in between each minute (6:20 including breaks), in the following format – 

  • 1 minute – each exercise (ABC) 1 rep each (repeating for the whole minute)
  • 20 second break
  • 1 minute – Exercise A increasing by 1 rep each round, then B & C 1x – repeating/building
  • 20 second break
  • 1 minute – Exercise A 1x, Exercise B increasing each round, then C 1x- repeating
  • 20 second break
  • 1 minute – A, B, Exercise C increasing each round – repeating
  • 20 second break
  • 20 seconds each for each exercise A, then 20 sec for B, then 20 sec for C

In between rounds, we ran a “pickle” – up a level on the parking deck & down the stairs.  

Round 1 – frogger, bicep curl, overhead press

Round 2 – shuffle, deadlift, upright row

Round 3 – squat jump, kettlebell swing (each hand), goblet squat

Round 4 – chest fly, big girl sit up, american hammer (both sides)


We ended with a few stretches and then went along with our rainy day.  Thanks for joining me Zeppelin!