- Beatdown: Book Drop
- Beatdown Date: 12/07/2022
- QiC: zeppelin
- Number of Pax: 8
- Pax Names: 6 Feet, Breezy (respect), Fruit Loops (respect), Phelps, Sonoco, Van Gogh (roar), Wilson
- Number of FNGs:
Started with the disclaimer and warm up. The Q was extra sore this morning thanks to Mary Lou’s book drop Q yesterday. Did some good mornings, side bends, butt kicks, punches, inchworms and worlds greatest stretch. The Thang:
5 miniature triple nickles – hard count and with weights and bands when applicable. We ran the pickle in between each one.
1) Curtsey squat with kick – bicep curls
2) SL RDL – bent over rows
3) Lunges – lateral raises
4) Bridge clams – skull crushers
5) Deep squats – overhead press
Then got to our mats for some glute work and abs. 15 HC of each (with band on knees): fire hydrants, donkey kicks, straight leg lifts, side clams, side plank dips. Then plank with arm reach, american hammers, half kneeling halos, LBCs -left, right, center