- Beatdown: Nightcrawler
- Beatdown Date: 04/05/2021
- QiC: Pandora
- Number of Pax: 6
- Pax Names: 6 Feet, Bluff, Mapquest, Pandora, Phelps
- Number of FNGs:
Side to side lunge with shoulder roll x 15
Side to side lunge with arm circles forward/back 15 each way
Jumping jack/or modified step jack x 15
Vinasa upward/downward dog, 1 legged dog, hip flexor stretch
Series of 4 to 5 exercises 45 sec on and 10 second transition/rest to next exercise with HILL run in between
- Standing 1 knee to chest with overhead arms holding weight (s)
- Wide stance squat with overhead weight press
- Side to side squat (skater position) with shoulder abduction
- Reverse Lunge(arms to 90) to one legged oil rig (arms down) with shoulder flexion
- Plank to tricep push up to overhead side reach in lunge on R /then L repeat
- Hold Plank
- Hold Reverse Plank
- Quadraped one arm on elbow /one arm out to side -alternating straight leg up in back to side to up in back to inward
- Repeat on other side
- Side crunch R
- Side crunch L
- Hip abduction on side with hand behind head side crunch
- Opposite side
- Bridge with shoulder horizontal ab/adduction w weight
- Bridge with tricep press with Weight
- Bed bed Bug alternating arm/leg shoulder flexion with weight
- Kneel to ½ lunge alternating sides
Yoga Stretch cooldown.