- Beatdown: Saved By The Bell
- Beatdown Date: 06/21/2024
- QiC: Bookworm
- Number of Pax: 8
- Pax Names: Blades (respect), Bookworm (respect), Breezy (respect), Caddy (respect), Confetti (respect), Duckie (respect), Niner (respect), Slipstitch (respect)
- Number of FNGs:
Saved by the Bell 6/21/24 -Have you Ever?
Good mornings, Shoulder rolls, Little arm circles, Big arm circles, Overhead side arm stretch, Rainbow arms
The Thang (50 seconds on/10 seconds rest)
Everyone holds a squat hold. Read the Have You Ever question. If the answer is yes, one person who answered yes, takes a slip of paper out of the Yes bowl and reads the exercise. If no, someone who answered no takes a slip of paper out of the No bowl. Both groups start at the same time.
Have you ever…?
Broken a bone, started a fire in your house, gotten a speeding ticket, been a bridesmaid, ridden a motorcycle, taken something from your workplace, etc.. There were slips of paper that had run the pickle, walk the pickle backward and walk the pickle.
Yes (exercise written on paper) No (exercise written on paper)
Jumping Jacks Skaters w/ toe touch
Reverse lunge Sit-ups
Russian twist Squat to jab
Standing side bend Curtsy lunge with side kick
Squat with shoulder press Glute bridges
High knees Dead Bugs
Bicep curls Mountain Climbers
Forward and back jumps Calf raises
Bent over triceps extensions Bicycle crunches
Bent over rows Plank hold
American hammers Butt kickers
Side lunge Ankle biters
COT: I am thankful for my struggle because without it, I would not have stumbled upon my strength.
Name O Rama