❖ 11 Happy Jacks
(11 Jumping Jacks in Cadance + 2 Jump Squats, 10 JJ IC + 2 JS…1 JJ IC + 2 JS)
❖ 11 Dan Taylor’s (1 Squat + 4 Walking Lunges x 11 , Non-Accumulator Style)

The Thang
Elevens (11s)
Do one (1) rep of 1st exercise, run to different point, then do 10 reps of 2nd exercise.
Continue to travel back and forth increasing the 1st exercise and decreasing the 2nd
exercise to always add up to 11. (1-10, 2-9, 3-8… 9-2, 10-1)
❖ Round 1: Kangaroos & Peter Parkers (1+1 Hard Count)
❖ Round 2: Surrenders & Tri-Cep Dips
Wheel of Push-Ups – 11 Full Wheels!
Grab a piece of curb – Do 1 rep of incline push-up.
Rotate 90 degrees clockwise (staying in plank position) until your body is parallel to the
curb with left hand on curb and right hand off – Do 1 push-up.
Rotate 90 degrees again – Do 1 decline push-up.
Rotate 90 degrees again until your body is parallel to the curb with right hand on curb
and left hand off – Do 1 push-up.
Repeat this for 11 total full rotations/wheel!
Total # of Push-Ups: 44

Accumulator – 11 & 22 Reps
❖ Crunchy Frog & LBCs
Perform both exercises back-to-back. (1 Crunchy Frog, 2 LBCs; 2 Crunchy Frogs,
4 LBCs; 3 Crunchy Frogs, 6 LBCs; …11 Crunchy Frogs, 22 LBCs)