We circled up on a gray morning that seriously threatened rain. QiC gave the disclaimer and stressed the importance of maintaining our distance even while running (hard to do!). I report everyone did a fabulous job throughout the workout (thank you!). Also, a big welcome to FNG Katie who was lovingly nicknamed Gravy!

Warm up included jumping jacks, quad and periformis stretches, hip openers, and imperial walkers to get all those running muscles warmed up!

We started off on our 5k(ish) run pausing at intervals to regroup and perform the following full body exercises to spell out:

G-gator pushups EC


A-ankle biters HC

T-tricep dips on the curb

I-inchworms (with or without push-up)

T-tip toe squats (sumo squat on toes)

U-under/overs (aka Nolan Ryans) EC

D-diamond dry docks

E-elbow to knee (hillbillies) HC

The count was 26 for each exercise. The pax arriving at each stop first did burpees until the whole group got together. Toward the end it changed to “hold squat” bc we were all getting tapped out!

We made it back to the park slightly late—but we figured our better halves don’t rush home on the regular so why should we?! 🤣

I shared a portion of Abraham Lincoln’s proclamation that instituted Thanksgiving as a national holiday on October 3,1863. In short, of the blessings Americans have received:“They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People.”

Thank you to all who joined me and I do hope you were able to count your blessings giving thanks to God for his mercy and love!

Mary Lou