Warm Up:

Load the Buses:

Run down to the furthest cone–> 10 Burpees (yup, get them going early!)

Run back to start –> 10 star jumps

Run to the 3rd cone–> 10 squats

run to start–> 10 star jumps

Run to 2nd cone–> 10 Triceps Dips

run to start–> 10 star jumps

Run to 1st cone–> 10 push ups

Run to start –> 10 star jumps


We are doing it again but changing exercises, still doing the 10 star jumps at the start line

furthest cone–> 10 froggers

3rd cone–> 10 pylo lunges (HC)

2nd cone–> Blast off pushups (10)

1st cone–>  10 Mountain Climbers (HC)



Wall of Jericho:

1- 4 count squat down, then jump up

2- Tricep Push-ups

3- Hurpees (not the STD but hand release burpees)

4- Skull Crushers

5- Monkey Crushers

6- Big Girl Sit Ups

7- American Hammers

Run the small pickle!

Do it again!


Parking lot exercises

Ring of Fire

COT: Some people could be given an entire field of roses and only see the thorns in it.  Others could be given a single weed and only see the wildflower in it.  Perception is a key component to gratitude.  And gratitude a key component to joy.

ANNOUNCEMENT:  Modified Murph on Monday, Memorial Day.  Then breakfast afterwards.


Name o Rama