8 ladies joined me for a 90-degree inspired beatdown. We started with a quick warm-up, including the standard FiA disclaimer. Then we walked around the pickle to review the different exercises. Once we broke up into smaller groups, it was on.


Corner 1: x40 Jumping Jacks, x30 Step-ups (15 on each leg), x20 pushups, x10 high-knees

Grapevine our way to corner 2

Corner 2: x40 plank jacks, x30 lunges (15 each leg), x20 tricep dips, x10 star jumps

Skipped our way to corner 3

Corner 3: x40 jump squats, x30 mtn. climbers, x20 skaters H.C., x10 burpees

High knees to corner 4

Corner 4: x40 hallelujahs, x30 monkey humpers, x20 Carolina dry docks, x10 hillbillies H.C.

Grapevine to corner 1

Rinse and Repeat The pax got in two solid rounds. Then we circled up for abs

x40 LBC, x30 Big girl sit-ups, x20 SUPs, x10 H.C. bicycles

Then finished with a few pax choice exercises and ended with a minute plank.

Miller read a COT before we closed out with Name-A-Rama. Thanks for joining me.