19 Ladies joined me for our annual Memorial Day tradition of the Murph. There are many modifications to this workout so you just do you!  After the FiA Disclaimer and a warmup from head to toe we got going.

The Murph is done with a ruck sack. It consists of:

  •   1 Mile run
  •   100 PullUps
  •   200 Pushups
  •   300 Squats
  •  1 Mile Run 

However I  offer modifications  so everyone can get this done. Run, walk , ruck whatever works for you.. Break the whole thing up in 10ths.  Sounds good too.   We had a group who ran the first mile but then decided to just knock it all out and ran the full 2. Im betting the incoming thunderstorm had something to do with that.. (And oh yes, it did POUR!!) We had Ruckers who did their mile and came back to start the reps. 

A majority of us stayed at the shelter.. We ran .2 , did 10 Pushup Variations, 20 Situp variation ( no pull-ups here -but its always an option) and 300 squat variations. Then repeated this 10 times to get all our miles and reps in. Variations – what do I mean by that.  Instead of doing the reps of the same exercise over and over. I break It up into different variations of the same thing..  Ex: Incline Pushup and Decline Pushup.. You get the idea. But as always – you do you!

Round 1

  1. Pushup
  2. LBC
  3. Bench Squat

Round 2

  1. Tricep PU
  2. BGSU
  3. Squat

Round 3

  1. Elevated PU
  2. American Hammers
  3. Narrow Squats

Round 4

  1. Decline PU
  2. Ankle Biters
  3. Sumo Squat

Round 5

  1. Plyo PU
  2. Heals to Heaven
  3. Elevated Heel Squats

Round 6

  1. Hand Release PU
  2. Flutterkicks
  3. Squat -> Squat Jump

Round 7

  1. Diamond PU
  2. Bicycle
  3. Squat Pulse

Round 8

  1. Spiderman PU
  2. Mummy
  3. Pistol Squat

Round 9

  1. Carolina Drydock
  2. V-sit In out
  3. Bulgarian Split Squats

Round 10

  1. Blast off PU
  2. Leg Lifts
  3. Lateral Squats


We ended with some stretches , Name-o-Rama , Memorial Day Prayer and our Photo!!   Thanks ladies for joining me.  It was tough and the downpour didn’t help.. But we did it together and are better group for it!