- Beatdown: Book Drop
- Beatdown Date: 12/03/2024
- QiC: Super Why
- Number of Pax: 6
- Pax Names: Forrest, Frito, Mary Lou, Super Why, Zeppelin
- Number of FNGs:
We began the workout with some light yoga stretching, then broke off into groups. Each group would travel to each of 4 stations located at Home Base, The Mayton, The Fountain, and Cary Arts. Action Cards at each station led PAX through a series of various exercises, beginning with a count of 40 and decreasing by 5 each time. Stations were accompanied by Career Cards attached to a certain salary. The team with the career at the end of 4 rounds was deemed the winner and allowed to dole out 10 burpees to the group.
Secondly, we ran to the entrance of the library, split into teams. With 2 piles of books we raced grapevine style to return Super Why’s books to the Book Drop.
For the COT: “If you don’t risk anything, your risk is even greater.”