- Beatdown: Book Drop
- Beatdown Date: 11/05/2024
- QiC: zeppelin
- Number of Pax: 8
- Pax Names: Boone, Forrest, Frito, Native, Ragu, Sassy, Super Why
- Number of FNGs:
We circled up for our warm up some good mornings, windmills, world’s greatest stretch, deep squats and overhead reaches. Then we moseyed over to the front of the library for the Thang – our workout today honored our right to vote, which wasn’t gained until 1920, and even then didn’t include all women.
The format was 20 reps of an exercise on the benches, run down the stairs to the back of the building, traveling exercise across the back to the other benches and 20 more reps (of the same the exercise) then run back up to the front.
1 – push ups and dips, bearcrawl
2 – decline dips, crab walk
3 – bench jumps, low squat walk
4 – elevated split squat, lunges
We then headed back to circled up with our mats. ALL women didnt get to vote until 1965. We did 65 secs of:
– bridge march
– hydrants and donkey kicks on R
– hydrants and donkey kicks on L
– sit ups
– plank rotations (side-front-side)
– American hammers
– leg lifts
We ended with name o Rama and COT, a liturgy for election day. Thanks for joining me today!