- Beatdown: BYOB
- Beatdown Date: 12/09/2022
- QiC: Phelps
- Number of Pax: 7
- Pax Names: 6 Feet, Breezy (respect), Forrest, Granola, Hootie (respect), Phelps, Sonoco
- Number of FNGs:
Disclaimer given
warm up: good morning, toy soldiers, cotton pickers, downward dog, runners lunge, arm circles, Phelps
The Thang:
Dora Pyramid: one partner did the exercises while the other partner ran the pickle.
100 chest press
200 pushups
300 curls
200 dips
100 OH press
we had 2 minutes left for standing abs and COT. “Be good or be good at it!” Happy Friday!