Disclaimer & Warm Up: It’s a Tiny Boots and surprise Co-Q Tag-A-Long! We were all grateful for a later start for the day after Christmas! 

Circle up in the grassy area near the flagpole and count off! 10 good mornings 

Mosey to the water fountain & circle up for warm ups

Shuffle shuffle w/ toy soldiers and windmills, arm circles, phelps, OH claps, JJ ring of fire


The Thang: 5-4-3-2-1

Mosey down walkway/steps beside library, up brown walkway & down to the right to the picnic tables/half walls for 

5 minutes: squats, step ups, monkey humpers, step ups, squats (1 min of each)

Follow stairs down to penguin pond path around to the lower elevated walkway, stopping to complete 

4 minutes: burpees, skaters w/ a hop, burpees, skaters w/ a hop (1 min of each)

Mosey up and around and back down to pavilion area by the stairs for 

3 minutes: dips, blast off push ups, hallelujahs (1 min of each)

2 minutes: split squats L, split squats R

1 minute: push the water


Count off into 2 teams 

Backward NUR relay up the hill  (NUR up and fast walk back, tag the person next in line)


Abs (Tag-A-Long)

Mosey up to the top of the hill towards the building that will be a bar for Abs

1 min of each: Imperial walkers, raggedy anns, elbow to knee (isolated on one side), standing toe reach

Mosey around the building, crossing the street back to the flagpole for COT

COT “There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” — C.S. Lewis