FIA  Christmas workout


Warmup inchworms, worlds greatest stretch, butt kickers, toy soldiers; come to the ground upward/downward dog, cat/ camel, split stretch, TYW, arm circles, Phelps, 1 Legged dog


We danced the night away with our inner ballerina’s to the Nutcracker Suite, with a ballerina inspired workout… man they make it look easy!!

  •  Standing in 1st position Tap forward 12, side 12, back 12, arc return 12
  •   Plie in in parallel, 1st position (turned out), 2nd position and 2nd parallel- Plie to releve (on toes) 12 each with 12 sec hold for last one
  •  1st position Plie  to Posse (leg ER and toes at the top of your kneecap) 12 on each sid
  • Grande plie in 2nd poition (as wide as possible, keeping butt in with flat back) up 2 count on one foot, 2 count on other foot, 2 count on both feet up on toes coordinating arms with movement. Then 2 count rest.
  • R leg in front side gallup burpee at end, then L leg leading, burpee 6 each way
  • R leg in front forward gallup ; leap at end then R leg leading leap at end 6 each way
  • Forward leg high lift walking forward then turn and forward leg lift onto toe on way back
  • Sideward alternating high leg lifts (with ½ turn in between) walking then turn and do with releve on the way back
  • Squat to front kick 12 each hard count
  • Hold scale for 30 seconds each side; then up/d0wn 12 times each leg 12 prone bilateral leg lifts holding onto bench; repeat opening/closing legs

We finished with a count up of the 12 days of Christmas

1 minute of plank on elbows

2 Supermans

3.  Mountain Climbers

4. Goblet squats

5. Imperial Walkers

6. Side bend crunches/raggedy annes

7. Back Lunges hard count

8. Tricep Dips

9. Pushups

10. Burpees

11. Star Jumps

12 Jumping Jacks

And some core work… 12 of each, heels to heaven, LBC, bicycles, prone swimmers, Hello Marge (open/close of legs alternating leg in front)


At your absolute best you won’t be good enough for the wrong people. But at your worst, you’ll still be worth it to the right ones. Remember that. Keep holding on.