- Beatdown: Nightcrawler
- Beatdown Date: 05/24/2021
- QiC: Pandora
- Number of Pax: 8
- Pax Names: Bon Voyage, Doodle, Fullback (respect), Gesundheit, Miller (respect), Pandora, Serenity, Teatree (respect)
- Number of FNGs:
Yoga- inch-worm to upward /downward dog and reach to the sky x 4, foot pedal, step through, side bend stretch/triangle pose repeat other side, press ups, rolling like a ball, rotational stretch, the saw, belly kick, scissors
Standing arm hang, then flex forward and reach, low squat with hands pressed together, large forward and backward arm circles
THANG – one minute of each with a 15 second rest inbetween tabata style
Plie squat (all the way down/up) with single arm side reach 30 sec each arm-opposite arm holding
Plie pulse with both arms out front to 90
Side kick L as far as possible, then cross leg in front (arm held out in front)
Side kick R, cross in front
Step back L lunge drive (arm overhead to knee in front)
Step back R lunge drive
Rear leg lift to forward scale with chair L
Rear leg lift R
Rear leg lift L pulse
Rear leg lift R pulse
Downward dog R leg crunch
Downward dog L leg crunch
Side bridge crunch on knee R (touch leg down and reach overhead inbetween)
Side bridge crunch on knee L
Push up with one hip extended alternating sides (slow 2 stages)
Slow bicycle crunch
Can Can dancer (reverse plank position, knee to chest then kick up)alternating sides
Plie squat with squeeze of shoulder blades (lift arm up inbetween)
Chair squat with overhead arm lift
Dancer pop squat (arms in front, alternating bringing one out to the side while popping up)
Toe touch
Knees to chest with double toe touch
Bottom lift to legs straight alternating
Crunch and kick R/then L 30 sec each
Deep breath in overhead reach and reach to floor
Thread the needle stretch on all fours, then reach up to the sky
Hamstring stretch in ½ kneeling position
To hip flexor stretch ½ kneeling with pelvic tilt
Mermaid side bend stretch