- Beatdown: Moneypenny
- Beatdown Date: 02/25/2023
- QiC: Reebok
- Number of Pax: 9
- Pax Names: Breezy (respect), Fullback (respect), Jingle (respect), Mapquest (respect), Miller (respect), Nitrous, Pandora (respect), Tuck
- Number of FNGs:
Y’all. . .I came up with 3 workouts for this one because I had no idea if it was going to rain or what, so I was prepared for ANYTHING! And this weekend was Dance Competition Weekend, so that was on my brain (mainly because I was stressing about being a Dresser Mom and I have no idea how to put on a fake eyelash)! So, here we go!
We ran to the Crosswalk (at the top of the Hill, yeah, you know the one). Did 10 burpees. Then we formed 2 lines and the an LA Freeway to the stop sign. Did 10 burpees. We skipped up the hill to the Kiwanis shelter where we did
D–> Decline pushup
A–> American Hammers
N–> Narrow Squat
C–> Sparky Crabs
E–> I couldn’t think of anything so it was PAX choice.
We did 2 sets of 10 reps. Ran to the other shelter near the boat dock. Did 10 Burpees. Did the whole DANCE thing again 2×10. Ran BACKWARDs to the boat dock. Did DANCE thing again but only once. Ran to the amphitheater and did 10 burpees. Used the bleachers to do triceps dips and chest pushup. Did 10 more burpees and ran to the kiosk. Did ring of fire with planks and star jumps. We SPRINTED up the hill. Then ran to our parking lot. Finished up with some abs. And we hit an AMAZING pose for our picture!