- Beatdown: Book Drop
- Beatdown Date: 01/12/2021
- QiC: SUP
- Number of Pax: 4
- Pax Names: Mary Lou, Tik-Tok, Zeppelin
- Number of FNGs:
Continuing on the FiA 8 year anniversary we did some crazy 8’s.
Quick warm-up: Jog up and back one flight of the parking deck, high knees, butt kickers, cherry pickers, trunk twists, hip openers.
4 Rounds of 8 minute weighted AMRAP (Timed 8 minute session and repeat as many reps in each round as possible alternating through the exercises).
Round 1: 12 squat to press, 12 push ups, 12 tricep kick backs, 50 jump rope skips
Round 2: 12 lunges HC, 12 bentover row, 12 bicep curls, 15 jumping jacks
Round 3: 15 bridges, 8 RDL HC, 8 renegade rows HC, 30 skips
Round 4: 12 blast off push ups, 12 sumo squats, 15 calf raises, 15 plank jacks
Finished with our 41 second plank and name-o-rama.