All truth be told I did the same workout at Double D on Friday and tonight at Nightcrawler. I liked the format so wanted to try it out again correcting some errors I made and making a couple minor changes. Also only 1 backblast!! LOL All credit goes to @fitditts on Instagram.
Disclaimer and Warmup …
The Thang:
10 rounds in a countdown format.. – All exercises EC
Round 1
- 100 seconds – forward lunge with single arm shoulder press, when back to stand swing dumbbell and switch it to other hand – Obviously this needed some thought and coordination.
- 100 reps – High Knees
- 10 Burpees
Round 2
- 90 secs pendulum lunges with a squat ( alternating legs) hold one dumbbell at chest
- 90 reps Curb toe taps
- 9 Burpees
Round 3
- 80 secs – dumbbell Clean and Press
- 80 Reps Shoulder taps
- 8 Burpees
Round 4
- 70 secs – Squat , Single row Left , single row right
- 70 reps Bicycles
- 7 Burpees
Round 5
- 60 secs – deadlifts
- 60 reps Mountain Climbers
- 6 Burpees
Round 6
- 50 sec – single arm snatch followed by a jump squat – Alternate arms
- 50 rep Skaters
- 5 Burpees
Round 7
- 40 sec – Hammer curl / wide curl
- 40 rep – Squat jacks
- 4 Burpees
Round 8
- 30 sec – Brooke Burkes ( plank hip dips)
- 30 reps – ski jumps
- 3 Burpees
Round 9
- 20 sec – break dancers
- 20 reps Tricep dips
- 2 Burpees
Round 10
- 10 sec squat hold
- 10 reps squat jumps
- 1 burpee
At DD, we ended here with only a few minutes left. Things ran smoother tonight so we had a Ab countdown circuit.
- 10 Big Girl Sit ups
- 9 Sprinter Abs ( HC)
- 8 Chase the Rabbit (HC)
- 7 Plank Jack
- 6 Leg lowers with Heels to Heaven
- 5. Up Up Down Downs
- 4 Supermans with I,Y,T arms
- 3 Drunk Mountain Climbers
- 2 slow 4 count American Hammers
- 1 Minute Plank
Ended with COT and Name-0-rama!