Warm up: squats, slow lunges, inch worms

The thang

circuits— 40 sec work/ 20 sec rest first round

10 reps of same circuit second round while partner does exercise ( 1st circuit— wall sit, 2nd circuit— run pickle, final circuit glute bridges)

circuit 1

renegade row, lateral lunge to narrow squat, lateral lunge w/ dumbbell hand switch, dumbbell pullover/ leg lowers

circuit 2

bicep curl, reverse press, slow spilt lunges, alternating  front lunge single arm press, plank dumbbell pass

circuit 3

chest fly/skull crushers, staggered deadlifts/ squats, dumbbell burpees, Russian twists


squats thrusters, push ups, burpees (5,6,7)

bring sally up high and low plank challenge (3 min plank)